Our June Read: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

   I am getting ready to indie publish my novella, Mary's Wings, this summer.  I have decided that with the release of Mary's Wings, I will be selecting 6-10 novellas for us to read and review.  I am debating whether to work from a list of a site I like of top novellas or select my own.  I will be going to the library next weekend and will let you know then!  

    In case the difference between a novella and a novel is confusing, the main difference is word count,  Novellas tend to be under 40,000 words (mine is 32,000) while novels tend to be anywhere from 60,000 to 80,000 with most you see on the market being around 80,000.  Now, this is for literary fiction-- the area I am most familiar with.

        As I gear up, I wanted to go ahead and begin sharing and discussing books I admire with you.  I will be saving the novellas for this summer but will go ahead and introduce two novels for June and July.  

    The first one will be One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey.  I went ahead and ordered a copy from Amazon.  I ordered the mass copy... not exactly sure what that will be like but will let you know!  I love AbeBooks for used copies.  The link for AbeBooks is here.

    I will give us a couple of weeks to order and read the book.  Please comment if that is not enough time!  Make sure and come back here every Sunday starting June 4th for a four week start of an intro, bio of author, literary context and analysis of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  

    If you want to go ahead and order our July read, it will be The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende.  I am a huge fan of Allende's work!

    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and to all of you amazing mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!



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